Eyebrow Lift surgery is a procedure designed to dramatically erase the horizontal wrinkles in the forehead that cause eyebrows to sag. This helps to produce a more youthful, fresher appearance that can restore confidence.
If you’re considering a brow lift, take a look at these commonly asked questions from prospective patients.
What does a brow lift involve? Traditional methods for this procedure required a large incision site along the hairline that lengthened recovery time. Now thanks to advancements in technology, only 3-5 very small incisions along the hairline are needed to perform this procedure. Smaller incisions require less recovery time and produce minimal scarring.
- Who is a good candidate for brow lift? The best candidates are those who have deep horizontal wrinkles in their forehead or between the eyes, or sagging eyebrows. Wrinkles in the forehead and droopy eyebrows tend to make people look older, sad, and tired, and this procedure helps patients to look as young as they feel!
- What can I expect during recovery? Generally, this procedure is performed on an out-patient basis and results are noticeable immediately. However, after surgery it is common to be swollen for the first few weeks. Results will increase over time, usually within a 6 month period. Scars will also fade over time.
- What are the risks associated with brow lifts? Serious risks and complications are rare with this procedure, however, any surgery involves some level of risk. Some patients suffer adverse reactions to anesthesia, or injury to facial tissue.
- What type of results can I expect? Results of a brow lift procedure can be subtle or dramatic. Your individual results will be determined by the surgical goals expressed during your consultation.
Brow Lifts in Okatie
If you are interested in learning more about forehead/eyebrow lift surgery or any other procedures that we offer, contact us today at 843.705.8940. We look forward to hearing from you.